Are you thinking about pursuing a career in the creative industries?
Then look no further, ACM students represent every corner of the industries that they one day want to work in.
Performers, Producers, Songwriters and Artists. Rappers, Roadies, Managers and Marketeers. Technologists, Designers, Gamers and more, all under one roof, doing real things by learning and working together.
Our students collaborate with each other across all programmes, mirroring how people work collaboratively in the real world, and it’s this kind of specialism that makes ACM such a great choice for you.
Our, small enough to care but big enough to make a difference, mantra means that we want to know about you, your history and all of your ambitions for the future. We will build you personal and bespoke programmes of activity to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you one day want to be.