Governance Framework
The Governance Framework at ACM consists of a number of Boards and Committees. These Boards and Committees have defined terms of reference that outline the purpose and mandate of each meeting.
The Governing Body
ACM’s governing body is known as the ACM Board. The Board consists of non-executive directors, company directors and internal staff to represent each functional area.
The governing body acts as the primary decision-making body, and ensures institutional sustainability by working with the executive (Education Board) to set the institutional mission and strategy. In addition, it needs to be assured that appropriate steps are being taken to deliver them and that there are effective systems of control and risk management. The Board will also take the final decision on activities and developments of key strategic importance.
Members of the board will act, at all times, in the interest of ACM’s stakeholders, which includes ACM’s students.
The Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) contribute to the board by providing objective, impartial and constructive criticism of ACM’s policy, strategy and focus. As NEDs they will focus on board matters and not executive direction. The NEDs provide an independent view of ACM that is removed from the day-to-day running of the Company. The NEDs bring:
- Independence
- Impartiality
- Wide experience
- Specialist knowledge in the areas of finance, governance, regulatory, tax, legal and human resources
- Personal qualities developed through extensive professional practice.
The maximum term of office for Non-Executive Directors is two consecutive terms of four years. Company directors remain on the governing body for the period of their directorship.
ACM Executive and Senior Managers
The Executive Leadership and Senior Management group are responsible for the oversight and operation of all functions at ACM. They are situated across all three campuses, and come together once a week for the Integrated Management meeting. It is via this cross-collaboration that ACM’s strategic objectives are implemented, with the central focus on the continued enhancement of the student experience.