ACM @ WASD 2024

20 May 2024

This year ACM students have demonstrated their work at Guildford.Games, BETTshow 24, Insomnia #i72 and, most recently, WASDLive, part of London Games Month. Why? Because every event is a chance for students to learn about networking, marketing, release schedules, employability and so much more.

Showcasing over 20 playable demos students from all three campus’ took WASDlive by storm, showcasing everything from large format group projects to short timeline Game Jams. We also had some fabulous industry visitors from Playground, Frontier, SuperCell, Devolver, London Games Month, Yogscast, SpecialEffect, Limit Break, Plaion/Atari to talk to the students about a variety of specialist subjects.

Have a look at this 3 minute video of the games we showed (a couple were shy and want to wait until June 🙂 ) and, please understand, the banging soundtrack is by an ACM music student naturally!